18 Steps Mixed Use Redevelopment
18 Steps Mixed Use Redevelopment
18 Steps is a large urban redevelopment project located in the central business district of Chongqing City, China. The name 18 Steps derived from a historical urban condition of the existing site, which has 18 steps of stairs connecting the central business area to the Yangtze River. With the significance of the river activities and its cultural importance, the conceptual framework was developed to retain the original landscape condition and overlaid an elliptical urban park which extends the city to the edge of the river, effectively functions as a park, a major circulation route to the residential components that dispositioned along this curved park. Underneath the park becomes a shopping arcade surrounding various pockets spaces within the elliptical shaped path. Zones of cultural hubs are introduced within the central area, this minimises the cost implication of re-levelling the original landscape also maintaining the original nature of the locality. These zones of cultural hubs are programmed to attract ephemeral as well as permanent based museums, restaurants, small theatres, performance space and modern offices.
601,100 Sqm
Chongqing, China
Completed 2015