Sheng Kung Hui Kindergarten is a multi-level educational facility comprised of 16 spacious classrooms. Positioned on a gentle slope, the school strategically utilizes this topography to craft a one-of-a-kind slope garden and play space, offering an enriching and engaging environment for its young learners.
4,300 Sqm
Jardine’s Lookout, Mount Butler Road,
Hong Kong
Anticipated Completion 2027
Hong Kong
9/F 133 Wai Yip Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T: +852 2793 2826. F: +852 2793 2983
Email: project@archiplusinter.com
3/F, Newland Plaza, 58 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100142, China.
T: +8610 8815 1809. F: +8610 8815 1808
Email: ail@archiplusinter.com
14, 5 Central St. Giles Piazza, London WC2H 8AB, UK