One of our prestigious projects in Japan is the Uehara House, situated in the Uehara District in Shibuya, Tokyo. This exclusive three-storey residence, complete with a basement, is commissioned by a client who conducts business in Hong Kong, London, and Tokyo.
The house’s design centers around an internal courtyard and a private indoor swimming pool, offering a serene escape in the bustling city. The layout is ingeniously crafted to optimize natural light and ensure maximum privacy within the confines of the grid-locked site and the proximity of neighboring structures.
The Uehara House boasts a host of luxurious amenities, including a double car parking porch, a stunning main entrance leading to an airy foyer and living space, a fully equipped kitchen with modern appliances, and a formal dining area that opens onto the courtyard, creating a captivating winter garden ambience. Accessible by both a lift and staircase, the upper levels house the guest and master bedrooms on the first floor, and two additional bedrooms and a library with a skylight on the second floor. The grand master bedroom features a walk-through wardrobe leading to a dressing room and a private indoor onsen with sliding doors that unveil a serene Japanese-inspired private garden. Currently under construction, the Uehara House is set to be completed by autumn 2024, showcasing the seamless fusion of modern luxury and traditional Japanese design.
Private Residence
720 Sqm
Uehara, Tokyo, Japan
Anticipated Completion 2024